Are you borrowing a car for a couple of hours or days? Will you be taking turns at the drivers’ seat with a co-passenger on your trip? Do you need to take out a car for just a little time? In all these situations you don’t need annual insurance coverage. And when you don’t need insurance coverage for a year, you don’t have to pay for the annual policy either. Short term car insurance policy is a simple, affordable, and quick alternative.
No need to take out a yearly policy for a small duration of use. Also, no fuss and paperwork to add your name to someone else’s policy. Or adding someone else’s name to your policy.
Just get short term car insurance for as little or as long as you want and drive with comfort and mental peace.
About Short Term Car Insurance
When looking for car insurance for a few hours/days, short term car insurance is the best option. Short term insurance is available for as little as an hour and for up to 30 days.When is Short Term Car Insurance the Right Choice?
In general, if you need car insurance for less than the full term of 12 months, short term car insurance would be a great option. Some of the situations where temporary insurance is the right choice include –- When you are learning to drive. If you are using a car for a short time to learn to drive, getting year-round insurance would be an unwanted expense. Temporary insurance would be a cost-effective solution.
- Going on a road trip in a hired vehicle. If you are driving a hired vehicle to go on a road trip for just a few days, you can get short term insurance for the duration of your trip.
- Delivering someone else’s vehicle or collecting it on their behalf. If you are picking up a vehicle that you don’t own and would be delivering it to the owners soon, you don’t need to pay for year-round insurance. Just get insurance for the time when you will be driving the car.
- When you are borrowing a car from friends or family. If you just need their car for a quick trip or even a couple of days, it is easier to get short term insurance. Getting your name registered as a named driver in their car insurance would be a hassle.
- When you are using a courtesy car that is not insured. If you have got a courtesy car that is not insured for when you are driving, you can get short term car insurance to plug in the hole.
- When you will be sharing a car for a short time period. Short term car insurance is quicker and easier than making the other person a named driver in your policy.
- When you drive your car only occasionally. If you have a classic car, for example, that you don’t drive too often, you can get short term car insurance for when you drive it.
- When switching between policies. If you are switching from individual car insurance to multi-car insurance use short term car insurance to make policy transition easier. The expiry date of your old policy might not be the same as the date when you add the car to a multi-car policy. To keep your car insured during this period, you can take out temporary policies.
The Process of Getting Short Term Car Insurance
Getting short term car insurance with White Recovery is quick and easy. The process of getting your temporary car insurance includes –- Start by telling our experts yourself and the car that you want to insure.
- Tell us the date on which you want insurance and the time for which you will need insurance.
- Select Europe cover or any other add-on, if needed.
- Once everything is finalized you will get your insurance document in the mail, and you’ll be good to go.
What Does White Recovery Short Term Car Insurance Include?
Every insurance policy is differently designed and offers different levels of coverage. However, White Recovery’s short insurance plans come with comprehensive coverage as standard. Here is what your policy will cover –- Theft, Loss, and Damage. If anything happens to your car, it will be covered under your short term car insurance plan.
- Breakdown Recovery. If it is possible, we will try to fix things on the roadside itself. If that is not possible, we will get you an experienced repair professional.
- Emergency Treatment. If the driver or the passengers in the car require immediate medical care after an accident, we offer coverage for the same.
- Legal Liability and Third Party Claims. If you accidentally injure someone else or damage their car/other property, it is covered.
- Vandalism. If your car is vandalized, we will bear appropriate expenses.
- Europe Add-on – If you will be traveling to Europe, it is wise to have comprehensive coverage that extends outside the country.
- Breakdown Assistance with Onward Journey. If your car breaks down, we will not just offer roadside assistance and recovery. But we will also arrange for onward travel. This will either be in the form of public transport or a replacement car.
Secure Your Short Term Car Insurance Deal Today
For the times when more isn’t better, short term car insurance is the right choice to make. No matter what the situation is if you are driving a car that isn’t covered (or you aren’t covered when driving it), get short term car insurance. Going without insurance should never be an option. And you don’t need to spend hundreds of pounds on a regular policy when you won’t be using it. White Recovery is always ready to meet your short term insurance needs. Fill in our contact form and get a quick quote now.FAQs
1. Can I get short term car insurance as a returning expat to the UK?
Yes, you can get short term car insurance as an expat returning to the UK. We will need your permanent address abroad to process your application. Also, you need to have lived in the UK in the past (for 36 months) to be eligible. Note: The minimum and maximum age limits vary in case of returning expats. Please contact us to know more.2. What does short term car insurance not cover?
Your short term car insurance policy does not cover the following –- Tyres. Any damage to your tyres is not covered.
- Electric issues. Any issues that relate to wiring, onboard computers, and electric components.
- Drivers that are not named in the policy.
3. Are there any alternatives to short term car insurance?
If you do not wish to get short term car insurance here are some alternatives that you can consider –- Become a named driver in the other person’s car insurance policy.
- Make the other person a named driver in your car insurance policy.
- Get pay-as-you-go insurance. Your car is covered when it is parked, and when you drive, you need to pay per mile for insurance.